Astrological guide for buying a new laptop

Every BRAND reflects a certain Number. This Number signify a certain planet (nature of energy) in Astrology.

Yesterday Mohan came. He said “ I am caught up in confusion….”

I asked “What is the confusion?”

Mohan is a tech savvy person, highly educated with a computer degree from a reputed university. But he said “I want to buy a Laptop – but I am really confused on which one to buy. I have seen hundred of laptop review videos on YouTube but still the question remains – which one to buy?”

I said “Buy any laptop that has the configuration that suits your requirement….”

Mohan said “Almost every Brand has models having similar kind of configuration. And so it is not about configuration; it is more about the BRAND – which Laptop Brand is lucky for me? I have been using DELL laptops all these years but now I want to switch to some other brand, but which brand is suitable for me – astrologically?”

And this is a deep question. In fact, it connects to many levels of astrology but always remember – no matter how BIG a BRAND is – you have to first see if it suits you – astrologically!

Now let us discuss the top laptop BRANDS that currently we have in Indian markets:

  1. DELL
  2. HP
  3. ACER
  5. ASUS

Mohan always had severe problems in life because of his RAHU placement in the 4th house. So any brand that signify RAHU – is not suitable for Mohan.

Similarly to all my close followers and readers – I insist that first check RAHU’s placement in your chart. Whenever RAHU is in:

  1. First house
  2. Fourth house
  3. Fifth house
  4. Eighth house
  5. Twelfth house

… should NEVER buy a BRAND that signify RAHU in Astrology.

However whenever RAHU is in:

  1. Second house
  2. Third house
  3. Sixth house
  4. Seventh house
  5. Ninth house
  6. Tenth house

… can buy a BRAND that signify RAHU in Astrology.

Who should buy HP & ASUS?

So now let us see which top LAPTOP Brands signify RAHU in Astrology:

  1. HP – RAHU
  2. ASUS – RAHU

So only those individuals who has a good placement of RAHU in their birth charts should buy HP Laptops & ASUS Laptops.

Individuals who have problems from RAHU in their birth chart should NEVER buy the above two brands.

Who should buy DELL & LENOVO?

Those individuals who have good placement of VENUS in their birth chart should buy any of these two laptop brands – Dell or Lenovo. Because both signify Venus!

VENUS is good when placed in:

  1. Second house
  2. Third house
  3. Sixth house
  4. Seventh house
  5. Tenth house
  6. Eleventh house

So if you have your VENUS placed in any of the above house of your birth chart then just go- ahead and buy a DELL or LENOVO laptop. Because both these brands signify Venus in Astrology.

Who should buy ACER?

Only those fellows who have excellent placement of MOON in their birth charts.

Moon is good when placed in:

  1. Fourth house
  2. Fifth house
  3. Ninth house
  4. Twelfth house

So when you have your MOON placed in the above house of your birth chart then go-ahead and buy ACER Laptops.

Nowadays almost every Laptop Brand comes with similar kind of configurations – so you just have to check which BRAND is astrologically suitable – just the way Mohan was trying to find out.

However the story doesn’t end here…..picture abhi baaki hai mere dost😊

Now comes the LEADER of all LAPTOPS – the APPLE of all LAPTOPS: The Apple Macbook

APPLE is indeed a wonderful company whose founder – Steve Jobs was a highly spiritual person. In his early twenties – Steve Jobs had come all the way to meet the divine spiritual master – NEEM KAROLI BABA – however Baba had taken Samadhi a year before Steve arrived at Vrindavan Ashram. Steve and his friend stayed at the Ashram for a few days after which he left for USA. And then began his journey – when he established the Apple company and started working from a garage. The impact of Neem Karoli Baba was quite deep on Steve and he made APPLE as the Logo of the company – simply because the favorite fruit of Neem Karoli Baba was Apple!

The founder of Apple – Steve Jobs was spiritual by nature. In fact, Steve’s Rahu was in Moola Nakshatra. Rahu’s Nakshatra placement is of great significance – MOOLA is a highly spiritual Nakshatra! And look – the Brand Name: Apple signify number 7! Number 7 is the number of KETU! That is why many sports persons consider the number 7 – as Lucky 7!
Apple Brand also signifies the number 7. No doubt it has been a lucky charm for many people across the globe. However – as mentioned earlier, no matter how BIG a BRAND is – you have first check whether the BRAND is suitable and lucky for you – astrologically.

So although anybody can buy any brand – and anybody can buy Apple brand – still one should definitely buy APPLE LAPTOP if his or her Ketu is in the:

  1. First house
  2. Fifth house
  3. Eighth house
  4. Ninth house
  5. Twelfth house

If you are having a dominant KETU in your horoscope – then you should just get a APPLE brand laptop without thinking too much. Too much thinking is a poison that kills your happiness, and steals your peace of mind. Stop thinking too much. Get out of your head and get into your HEART. Think Less and FEEL MORE.

RAHU blocks you in your HEAD.
KETU sets you FREE from your HEAD so that you can start FEELING the VIBES – you can start LISTENING to what your LIFE is saying. It is only when LISTEN to the voice WITHIN you that you no more remain frustrated – you no more remain angry at life.

On one side is the RAHU BRANDS:

  • HP, ASUS

On the other side is the KETU BRAND:

  • Apple

Interestingly, from medical astrology perspective – RAHU gives birth to ACIDITY. Whereas KETU pacifies ACIDITY. APPLE – the name Apple signify KETU and medical fraternity says that Apple pacifies ACIDITY!

You see – how interesting Astrology can be! Only if you are a man of heart – you can understand the true essence of Astrology. Always remember – Heart is the source of intelligence – and intelligence is superior to intellectualism. Intellectualism is of the HEAD – but The Intelligence is of the Heart! When Head starts listening to the HEART – intelligences is born!

The question that Mohan asked was an intelligent one – because it doesn’t matter how BIG a BRAND is – what matters is whether it is BIG for you – meaning suitable for you – astrologically!
Jai Shri Ganesha. Jai Guru.

Addittya Tamhankar

Addittya Tamhankar

Acharya Addittya Tamhankar is a distinguished astrologer and acclaimed author known for his in-depth knowledge and insight into astrology. He has authored over 11 books, including bestsellers on the cosmic entities Rahu and Ketϋ, and his recent works include "Come Back Home - Reconnect to Source Consciousness" and "27 Nakshatras - the Living Legends." Alongside his literary achievements, Acharya Addittya has cultivated a substantial online following, with over 1,000 YouTube videos and a community of more than 40,000 subscribers. His blogs offer enlightening discussions on spirituality and planetary influences, drawing readers and viewers who seek wisdom and deeper understanding of these complex subjects.
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