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Transform Your Marriage Destiny: Unlock the Secrets of Successful Matchmaking in a 60-Minute Audio or Video Call Session

Acharya Addittya Ji evaluates the following Marriage Matching factors to help you find the right match:

Kundali Matching: Evaluating and comparing the birth charts (Kundalis) of the prospective bride and groom to determine their compatibility and potential for a harmonious marriage.

Guna Milan: Assessing the compatibility of the couple based on the Ashtakoota system, which involves matching various aspects, such as Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Graha Maitri, Gan, Bhakoot, and Nadi. Each aspect is assigned points, and the total score is analyzed to gauge the overall compatibility.

Mangal Dosha Analysis: Analyzing the presence of Mangal Dosha (Mars Dosha) in the birth chart, which can affect the compatibility between partners. Providing guidance and remedies to neutralize the negative effects of Mangal Dosha, if required.

Bhakoot Dosha Analysis: Examining the presence of Bhakoot Dosha in the birth charts, which can indicate potential disharmony or conflicts in the relationship. Suggesting remedies or precautions to mitigate the effects of Bhakoot Dosha, if necessary.

Nadi Dosha Analysis: Assessing the presence of Nadi Dosha, which can indicate health-related issues or problems in progeny in the future. If Nadi Dosha is observed, providing guidance on potential remedies or further evaluation to determine the severity of the Dosha.

Graha Maitri Analysis: Analyzing the planetary positions and their mutual relationship in the birth charts of the couple. Assessing the overall compatibility, mental rapport, and understanding between the partners based on the Graha Maitri (Planetary Friendship) concept.

Personalized Remedies: Providing personalized remedies or suggestions based on the specific astrological considerations and challenges identified during the marriage matching process. This may include performing specific rituals, wearing gemstones, reciting mantras, or observing certain rituals to enhance compatibility and harmony in the relationship.

Astrological Compatibility Report: Providing a comprehensive report summarizing the compatibility analysis and observations based on the birth charts. This report may include detailed explanations of each aspect considered for compatibility and recommendations for a successful and fulfilling marriage.

Consultations and Counseling: Offering consultations and counseling sessions with an astrologer to address any concerns, answer questions, and provide further insights into the compatibility and potential challenges in the marriage based on Vedic astrology principles.


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