Understanding Jaimini Sutras

The real question is not of learning but of unlearning much!

This is exactly what you all have to do when you enter the ancient ‘University of Jaimini Rishi! Because in this wonderful university – PLANETS don’t ASPECT just by count of houses – PLANETS aspect only when their BOSS agrees.

Who is the BOSS? That must be your next question.

The BOSS is the ZODIAC SIGN! And this is so beautiful – because the whole foundation of any planet in your horoscope is based on the SIGN it occupies! Mercury in Pisces will have a totally different definition when compared to Mercury in Virgo! So you see – Jaimini captures the very essence of Astrology – because Planet is Orphan without a SIGN!

It is the SIGN that becomes the sole decision maker – and Planets follow the command of the SIGN.

And so you all should realize that the very foundation of Jaimini Sutras is the – SIGN.

Last chapter we discussed about the 3 Families of ZODIAC SIGNS. The whole dance of SIGN ASPECTS is based on these 3 families –






  • CARDINAL SIGNS will aspect ONLY FIXED SIGNS. The only exception – they will NOT aspect the sign next to it.

So let see one good example of how Jupiter in Cardinal Sign – ARIES will aspect:

Jupiter placed in the CARDINAL SIGN of ARIES will aspect only the house/planets occupied by the FIXED SIGN of LEO, SCORPIO and AQUARIUS. Since TAURUS is the sign NEXT to Aries – Jupiter will NOT aspect second house and any planet sitting in the second house of Taurus sign.

Note: Even if there are no planets placed in the FIXED SIGNS – still the HOUSE which belong to FIXED SIGNS will be impacted by Jupiter’s Drishti or Aspect. In the above case – House – 2, 5, 8, 11 will be impacted by Jupiter’s Drishti/Aspect.

So you all should understand that the Parashar System – where Jupiter will aspect the 5th, 7th and 9th house is NOT followed in Jaimini System of Astrology. In Jaimini – Jupiter will aspect only those planets that are placed in FIXED SIGNS except to the sign next to it.

This is how the DANCE of CARDINAL SIGNS is as far as ASPECTS are concerned.


  • FIXED SIGNS will aspect ONLY CARDINAL SIGNS. The only exception – they will NOT aspect the sign next to it.

So let see one good example of how Jupiter in Fixed Sign – TAURUS will aspect:

Jupiter placed in the FIXED Sign of TAURUS will aspect only the house/planets occupied by the CARDINAL SIGN of CANCER, LIBRA, CAPRICORN, ARIES.

Note: Even if there are no planets placed in the CARDINAL SIGNS – still the HOUSE which belong to CARDINAL SIGNS will be impacted by Jupiter’s Drishti or Aspect. In the above case – House – 3, 6, 9,12 will be impacted by Jupiter’s Drishti/Aspect.

This is how the DANCE of FIXED SIGNS is as far as ASPECTS are concerned.



So let see one good example of how Jupiter in DUAL Sign – TAURUS will aspect:

Jupiter placed in the DUAL SIGN of GEMINI – will aspect only the house/planets occupied by VIRGO, PISCES, SAGITTARIUS.

Note: Even if there are no planets placed in the DUAL SIGNS – still the HOUSE which belong to DUAL SIGNS will be impacted by Jupiter’s Drishti or Aspect. In the above case – House – 1, 4, 7, 10 will be impacted by Jupiter’s Drishti/Aspect.

This is how the DANCE of DUAL SIGNS is as far as ASPECTS are concerned.

The whole dynamic of horoscope reading changes when you start studying the horoscope from the microscope of Jaimini Rishi!

In the ‘University of Jaimini Rishi’ – Jupiter will NOT cast DRISHTI on 5,7,9. And neither will Saturn cast DRISHTI on 3,7,10 and nor will Mars its Drishti on 4, 7, 8 and primarily the most common DRISHTI – the 7th – does not have any relevance in JAIMINI ASTROLOGY.

Planets will cast DRISHTI or ASPECT each other based on the ROLE PLAY OF SIGNS – Jaimini in fact gave a proper foundation to the system of astrology by emphasizing on the SIGNS – because SIGN is indeed the MOTHER of all ASPECTS in JAIMINI Astrology.

What is a SIGN?

SIGN is a measure to judge a certain quality within you!

When you have Venus in Pisces or Libra or Taurus – it simply means that from many past births you have focused on mastering the qualities of VENUS and finally you HAVE! Every planet has qualities ranging from lower strata to higher strata. Just as we have a smartphone available from 10k to 2 lakhs! The higher qualities of Venus represents unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness. While the lower quality of Venus represents – Sexual pervert, Sex hungry, Not interested in sex, Delays in marriage or total dissatisfaction in marriage.

So it is the SIGN that is used to MEASURE the QUALITY of the PLANET it associates with.

VENUS in PISCES can bring forth the higher qualities of VENUS.

VENUS in VIRGO can bring forth the lower qualities of VENUS as discussed above.

Jaimini was able to catch the pulse of astrology – by self realizing that the SIGNS are the real BOSS.

SIGNS are the source of measuring the quality of a planet which represents a certain skill/talent!

MEASURING is very important – whether it is measuring fruits or planets! And your planets will MEASURE more or less based on the quality of your KARMA!

SIGNS – therefore are very important – simply because measuring cannot happen if there were NO SIGNS in Astrology!

NAKSHATRA is the further extension of measuring – you can say it is the source of ‘microscopic measuring’ – but on the circumference is always the SIGN!

Now lets take a real life horoscope. This horoscope is of a person based in Bengaluru.

She has excellent relation with her siblings and also is enjoying a very happy married life. Now if you follow Parashara system – then Saturn drishti on 3rd house will raise signals of restrictions about siblings and short travels etc. However she has travelled many countries and is indeed a travel blogger! Saturn drishti on 7th house will also raise issues such as delays in marriage however she got married at an appropriate age of 29.

You will also see a STRONG MANGAL (MARS) in the 4th house – however she never had any issues regarding this placement of MARS.


Because if you see from the eyes of JAIMINI – you will find SATURN Aspect MARS – and in the process nullifying or reducing the MANGALIK DOSHA!

SATURN sitting in a DUAL SIGN will ASPECT house/planets belonging to DUAL SIGNS! And so in this case SATURN aspects PISCES MARS!

The only SATURN DRISHTI that worked is SATURN’s 10th DRISHTI because as per JAIMINI the 10th house belongs to DUAL SIGN of VIRGO!

Jaimini Astrology works wonders. And together we will be self-exploring many such wonders as this series continuesâ€Ļ.

Stay tuned.

Next blog on Jaimini Sutras coming soon….

Jai Shri Ganesha. Jai Guru.

Addittya Tamhankar

Addittya Tamhankar

Acharya Addittya Tamhankar is a distinguished astrologer and acclaimed author known for his in-depth knowledge and insight into astrology. He has authored over 11 books, including bestsellers on the cosmic entities Rahu and KetĪ‹, and his recent works include "Come Back Home - Reconnect to Source Consciousness" and "27 Nakshatras - the Living Legends." Alongside his literary achievements, Acharya Addittya has cultivated a substantial online following, with over 1,000 YouTube videos and a community of more than 40,000 subscribers. His blogs offer enlightening discussions on spirituality and planetary influences, drawing readers and viewers who seek wisdom and deeper understanding of these complex subjects.
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