In Vedic astrology, each Nakshatra (lunar mansion) has certain “Karkatvas” or significations associated with it. These Karkatvas help in understanding the qualities, characteristics, and influences of the Nakshatras on individuals and events. Below is a list of the Karkatvas of all 27 Nakshatras:
1. Ashwini
– Symbol: Horse’s head
– Deity: Ashwini Kumaras (physicians of the gods)
– Karkatvas: Healing, speed, initiation, transportation, vitality, and beginnings.

2. Bharani
– Symbol: Yoni (female reproductive organ)
– Deity: Yama (god of death)
– Karkatvas: Responsibility, nurturing, transformation, birth, death, sexuality, and restraint.

3. Krittika
– Symbol: Knife or razor
– Deity: Agni (fire god)
– Karkatvas: Courage, purification, cutting, sharpness, protection, and leadership.

4. Rohini
– Symbol: Chariot
– Deity: Brahma (creator)
– Karkatvas: Creativity, growth, fertility, beauty, luxury, and prosperity.

5. Mrigashira
– Symbol: Deer’s head
– Deity: Soma (god of the Moon)
– Karkatvas: Curiosity, exploration, searching, gentleness, youthfulness, and changeability.

6. Ardra
– Symbol: Teardrop
– Deity: Rudra (storm god)
– Karkatvas: Destruction, sorrow, storms, renewal, intensity, and transformation.

7. Punarvasu
– Symbol: Bow and quiver
– Deity: Aditi (mother of gods)
– Karkatvas: Renewal, growth, prosperity, repetition, return, and benevolence.

8. Pushya
– Symbol: Cow’s udder
– Deity: Brihaspati (guru of the gods)
– Karkatvas: Nourishment, support, education, teaching, protection, and spirituality.

9. Ashlesha
– Symbol: Serpent
– Deity: Nagas (serpent gods)
– Karkatvas: Mysticism, intuition, manipulation, secrecy, kundalini energy, and healing.

10. Magha
– Symbol: Throne
– Deity: Pitris (ancestors)
– Karkatvas: Authority, tradition, ancestry, honor, respect, and leadership.

11. Purva Phalguni
– Symbol: Hammock or front legs of a bed
– Deity: Bhaga (god of wealth)
– Karkatvas: Creativity, love, relaxation, luxury, romance, and entertainment.

12. Uttara Phalguni
– Symbol: Back legs of a bed or a cot
– Deity: Aryaman (god of patronage)
– Karkatvas: Friendship, agreements, contracts, support, partnership, and responsibility.

13. Hasta
– Symbol: Hand
– Deity: Savitar (sun god)
– Karkatvas: Dexterity, skill, work, creativity, manifestation, and control.

14. Chitra
– Symbol: Pearl or bright jewel
– Deity: Tvashtar (celestial architect)
– Karkatvas: Beauty, design, architecture, creativity, charm, and craftsmanship.

15. Swati
– Symbol: Coral or sword
– Deity: Vayu (wind god)
– Karkatvas: Independence, movement, flexibility, communication, diplomacy, and balance.

16. Vishakha
– Symbol: Triumphal archway or potter’s wheel
– Deity: Indra (king of gods) and Agni (fire god)
– Karkatvas: Ambition, determination, success, duality, growth, and transformation.

17. Anuradha
– Symbol: Lotus or staff
– Deity: Mitra (god of friendship)
– Karkatvas: Friendship, cooperation, loyalty, success, devotion, and spirituality.

18. Jyeshtha
– Symbol: Earring or circular amulet
– Deity: Indra (king of gods)
– Karkatvas: Power, leadership, seniority, responsibility, protection, and authority.

19. Mula
– Symbol: Tied bunch of roots
– Deity: Nirriti (goddess of destruction)
– Karkatvas: Destruction, roots, research, foundation, transformation, and spirituality.

20. Purva Ashadha
– Symbol: Elephant tusk or fan
– Deity: Apah (water god)
– Karkatvas: Victory, strength, renewal, invincibility, rejuvenation, and nurturing.

21. Uttara Ashadha
– Symbol: Elephant tusk or planks of a bed
– Deity: Vishvadevas (universal gods)
– Karkatvas: Leadership, honor, perseverance, success, truth, and righteousness.

22. Shravana
– Symbol: Ear or trident
– Deity: Vishnu (preserver of the universe)
– Karkatvas: Listening, learning, communication, wisdom, travel, and spiritual knowledge.

23. Dhanishta
– Symbol: Drum or musical instrument
– Deity: Eight Vasus (deities of abundance)
– Karkatvas: Music, rhythm, wealth, prosperity, fame, and social status.

24. Shatabhisha
– Symbol: Empty circle or a thousand flowers
– Deity: Varuna (god of the cosmic waters)
– Karkatvas: Healing, secrecy, esoteric knowledge, isolation, medicine, and discipline.

25. Purva Bhadrapada
– Symbol: Sword or front legs of a funeral cot
– Deity: Aja Ekapada (one-footed goat or serpent)
– Karkatvas: Spirituality, detachment, transformation, sacrifices, mystical experiences, and austerity.

26. Uttara Bhadrapada
– Symbol: Twin fish or back legs of a funeral cot
– Deity: Ahir Budhnya (serpent of the deep sea)
– Karkatvas: Depth, endurance, stability, compassion, spirituality, and hidden wealth.

27. Revati
– Symbol: Drum or fish
– Deity: Pushan (protector of flocks and herds)
– Karkatvas: Prosperity, nourishment, wealth, protection, compassion, and spiritual guidance.

To be continued….

Addittya Tamhankar

Addittya Tamhankar

Acharya Addittya Tamhankar is a distinguished astrologer and acclaimed author known for his in-depth knowledge and insight into astrology. He has authored over 11 books, including bestsellers on the cosmic entities Rahu and KetĪ‹, and his recent works include "Come Back Home - Reconnect to Source Consciousness" and "27 Nakshatras - the Living Legends." Alongside his literary achievements, Acharya Addittya has cultivated a substantial online following, with over 1,000 YouTube videos and a community of more than 40,000 subscribers. His blogs offer enlightening discussions on spirituality and planetary influences, drawing readers and viewers who seek wisdom and deeper understanding of these complex subjects.

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