Astrological Aspects Signifying Sexual Encounters

sex astrology

Attraction happens through the **5th house**, and this attraction is purely based on past-life karmic patterns. Your taste, your preferences, and your ideas about a partner are all directly related to your past-life karmic connections. Often, you may see a beautiful woman falling in love with a seemingly unattractive man or a handsome man falling in love with an unattractive woman. This happens because their attraction stems from their past-life connection. The source of love, attraction, or the line “I like you” originates from the **abode of the 5th house**.

Next comes partnership, which is governed by the **7th house**. There are countless cases where a man loves one person but marries someone else, or a woman loves someone but ends up marrying another. This highlights that there is no necessary connection between love and marriage. Occasionally, people marry the ones they love, but this is not always the case. Sometimes, destiny has other plans. The **7th house** also represents the public domain, which is why “marriage” is linked to this house. Marriage is a public declaration of bonding. All the angular houses of the chart (Kendra houses) are connected to public life and society.

So far, I have explained the essence of the **5th and 7th houses**, both of which are connected to intimacy and sexual encounters. However, the final seal that confirms sexual encounters comes from the **8th house**. The **8th house** is directly linked to pure sexual intimacy. There are many married couples who are not sexually active yet share deep love and affection. In such cases, the **8th house** is not prominent, while the **5th and 7th houses** are strong and activated. Conversely, there are marriages or relationships where there is only sex, and sometimes even sexual violence. In these instances, the **8th house** dominates, while the **5th and 7th houses** are weak. Often, the lord of the **8th house** is afflicted or poorly placed. Cheating, extra-marital affairs, or engaging in multiple sexual relationships while being in a committed relationship are all connected to the **8th house**, particularly when it is strong, while the **5th and 7th houses** are weak.

Having explained the **5th, 7th, and 8th houses**, let’s now focus on the **planets** that signify sexual encounters when connected to these houses.

The first planet is **Venus**, the natural significator of love, romance, and sensuality.
The second planet is **Mars**, representing passion, energy, and sexual drive.
The third and most impactful planetary entity is **Rahu**, which amplifies desires and unconventional aspects of relationships.

Whenever a combination of these three planets connects to the **5th, 7th, and 8th houses**, you are likely to experience sexual encounters. The **8th house** is a house of suddenness, so if you are undergoing the **Mahadasha** or **Antardasha** of the planet ruling the **8th house** or **5th house**, you are bound to experience love and sexual intimacy during this period.

There is no shame in this, as everything happens due to past-life karmic connections. Sometimes people fall from grace, but it is important to remember: the glory lies not in never falling but in rising every time you fall. Mistakes are a part of life, but repeating the same mistakes makes one foolish. True wisdom is in learning from mistakes and raising your awareness, which helps you rise again. That is true glory.

If you are a good-hearted person and have made mistakes—such as having multiple sexual encounters or cheating on your partner—you should not live in guilt. Instead, learn from your mistakes, avoid repeating them, and remain loyal to your partner. I do not admire people who pretend they are perfect or claim they will never make mistakes. Such individuals live in ignorance because no one can predict how planetary influences may drive them to act out of character.

Always remain humble. Instead of criticizing those who have fallen from grace, support them, help them, and give them a second chance. If it can happen to them, it can happen to you or even to your children one day.

Be compassionate. It is true that every person should strive to live with awareness, but many times, past-life karma leads to such situations. If someone is making efforts not to repeat the mistakes they made in their past or current life, show mercy. Give them a second chance, for one who shows mercy is greater than one who punishes.

Enough for now. Jai Shri Ganesha. Jai Guru.

Addittya Tamhankar

Addittya Tamhankar

Acharya Addittya Tamhankar is a distinguished astrologer and acclaimed author known for his in-depth knowledge and insight into astrology. He has authored over 11 books, including bestsellers on the cosmic entities Rahu and KetĪ‹, and his recent works include "Come Back Home - Reconnect to Source Consciousness" and "27 Nakshatras - the Living Legends." Alongside his literary achievements, Acharya Addittya has cultivated a substantial online following, with over 1,000 YouTube videos and a community of more than 40,000 subscribers. His blogs offer enlightening discussions on spirituality and planetary influences, drawing readers and viewers who seek wisdom and deeper understanding of these complex subjects.
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